Thank you for attending the Open House!
We welcomed so many visitors today for our 2nd Open House in this academic year.
Thank you those who attended Open House today.
We hope you could enjoy spending some time with us.
<2017年度入学願書受付のご案内 / About accepting application>
小学校: 2016年10月17日(月)~2016年10月28日(金)
幼稚部: 2016年11月1日(火)~2016年11月15日(火)
If you would like to enroll in Horizon from April 2017, please submit application form with other documents during following period.
Primary School: From 2016/10/17 to 2016/10/28
ELC: From 2016/11/01 to 2016/11/15
*If you are planning to enroll in Horizon ELC in this academic year OR after May 2017, please feel free to contact us individually to make sure when and how to submit application form.
*We may not have another admissions period for April 2017 if we reach the capacity.
<入学検定・観察日について / Entrance Exam and Observation>
小学校: 願書提出後に入学検定日についてお知らせします。 予定日:11月1日~
幼稚部: 願書提出後に観察日についてお知らせします。 予定日:11月16日以降~
Primary School: School will let you know the date and time after accepting application form. (Scheduled exam date: After 11/1-)
ELC: School will let you know the date and time after accepting application form.
(Scheduled observation date: After 11/16-)
<学校見学について / School Tour & School Visit>
You can see our regular class from hall way.
Please call 022-739-9622 to make reservation for school visit.
We can make arrangement school tour with school staff.
Or you can choose to look around school as you like.
We are looking forward to welcoming your child as our students soon!